CPQ stands for Curated Probable Questions.

For getting a job or for entry into a course of study a candidate has to succeed in a competitive examination or multiple exams in a series of selection process involving MCQ exams, descriptive exams and interviews as prescribed by the selection agency.
Since too many applicants are chasing a few vacancies it becomes imperative for the employer to select the best through multiple stages of selection.
Securing high marks in entrance exams ensure a smooth go to the selection stage.
CPQ for an exam supplements your preparation and makes you ready to face the exam.

CPQ is prepared by our panel of experts in specific fields, long experienced and accustomed to the subject, syllabus and previous pattern of these exams.

The panel is specifically picked from experts in specific subjects with ample experience in tackling the competitive exams. These experts draw up questions with answer keys/solutions they consider most probable for the impending exam. In preparing the CPQ and answer keys/solutions they essentially make sure to comply with the syllabus and pattern deeply delving on their expertise and relevance.

Yes CPQ along with answer keys/solutions are provided.

CPQ for en examination is published on this website TEN days before the actual exam.

Starting ten days before the exam till 8am on the actual date of the exam the CPQ will be available for downloading.

A candidate can download the CPQ and answer keys once the CPQ for an exam is published and ‘active’ on this site.

As and when CPQ for a competitive exam is available for download it is categorised as ‘ACTIVE EXAM’. Usually the ‘ACTIVE EXAM’ status of an exam will be for TEN DAYS immediately preceding the exam.

  1. Login to your account.
  2. Select the exam in the ‘ACTIVE EXAM’ category.
  3. Make payment as guided and download the CPQ with answer keys/solutions in PDF.

CPQ is available for almost all major competitive exams.

We are constantly updating our list of exams for which CPQ is made available. This involves putting in a lot of groundwork. However we are trying hard to update to live up to your expectations.

Look for our announcement as and when we update and make available our CPQ for these exams.

CPQ supplements studies and preparations.